Rarest personality type
Rarest personality type

rarest personality type

An INFJ’s calling in life is to seek insight and understanding, and as they develop, they often can spot a lie or half-truth at a moment’s notice. This personality type does not care one iota about grandiose tales or extravagant gestures if there is not a true and genuine motive behind them. INFJs ultimately seek genuine truth and meaning. As a result, they tend to be more forgiving of their friends who exhibit unruly behavior because they can identify the true root of the behavior, such as insecurities or past trauma.ĥ. Without understanding exactly why or how, an INFJ will see, within minutes of meeting an individual, their true character. INFJs have a highly-accurate sense of intuition that they have been sharpening for all of their lives. One of my favorite one-liners from Game of Thrones is by the character, Tyrion Lannister, “I drink and I know things,” and this can often be said of an INFJ, with maybe fewer libations. INFJs are somewhat empathic, and they tend to “just know” things. This personality type has a knack for making others immediately feel at ease, and they are great listeners and trusted confidants who speak in human terms and meet others where they are.Ĥ. In fact, this happens frequently to INFJs with seemingly no rhyme or reason.

rarest personality type

It is not uncommon for a stranger to sit down next to an INFJ and within minutes, disclose their most personal secrets, fears, and dreams.

rarest personality type

INFJs exude warmness, and others immediately feel comfortable in their presence. Although they may dabble in playing the field, INFJs are truly about quality over quantity and will become disinterested in anyone or anything they perceive as being fraudulent, scheming or wishy-washy.ģ. INFJs, a curious mix of emotional and logical, do not like to waste their time on anything inauthentic. INFJs take an all-or-nothing approach to life. Most people who are this type have admitted feeling different from their peers since they were a very young child.Ģ. INFJs are low in numbers so they tend to have trouble finding others who see the world in the same realm as they do. INFJs often report feeling lonely and “different,” and for good reason. However, INFJs make fiercely loyal friends, empathetic and organized workers, and exceptional leaders for causes they deem worthy and for the greater good of humanity.ġ.

rarest personality type

INFJs can be difficult to spot due to the fact that they are not prevalent in society and tend to be reserved individuals. INFJs would be those individuals whose personalities favor the sides of Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. Perceiving, and using these criteria, determines which category one’s personality most tilts toward. The test assesses an individual in 4 categories: Extroversion vs. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, created in the 1940’s by mother and daughter, Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, originally stems from the typological theories of Carl Jung, a prominent psychoanalyst. They are labeled as “The Advocate,” and have been described as “mysterious,” “intuitive,” and “emotionally intelligent,” yet the type as a whole is often misunderstood. The reason behind it: INFJ is considered to be the rarest personality type, making up less than 2% of the world’s entire population. INFJ, referring to one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, has become a bit of a buzzword in the media over the past several years.

Rarest personality type